Our city, our libraries
Find your local library and campaign group.
Birmingham Library Campaign Groups
Birmingham Loves Libraries includes library users from all over the city as well as campaign groups organising around one or more of Birmingham’s community libraries. We encourage you to join the campaign around your local library. If your library is not listed here, and you are interested in helping to build a campaign, please get in touch.
Campaigns in Birmingham Loves Libraries
Acocks Green Library
Save Acocks Green Library
Email: saveacocksgreenlibrary@gmail.com
Twitter: @saveacocksgreen
Instagram: @saveacocksgreenlibrary
Bloomsbury Library
Nechells POD - Save Bloomsbury Library
Email: contact@nechellspod.co.uk
Erdington Library
Friends of Erdington Library
Email: erdingtonlunarsoc.foel@yahoo.com
Erdington Lunar Society/Friends of Erdington Library Facebook page
Instagram: @elsfoel2018
Hall Green Library
Save Hall Green Library
Email: savehallgreenlibrary@yahoo.com
Twitter: @HallgreenSave
Handsworth Library
Soho and Handsworth Neighbourhood Planning Forum
Harborne Library
Email: save.harborne.library@gmail.com
Kings Heath Library
Friends of Kings Heath Library
Website: https://friendsofkhlibrary.wordpress.com/
Email: friendsofkhlibrary@gmail.com
Twitter @FriendsOfKHLib
Kings Norton Library
Save Kings Norton Library
Email: saveknlibrary@gmail.com
Small Heath Library
Friends of Small Heath Library
Email: foshlibrary@outlook.com
Sparkhill Library
Save Sparkhill Library
Email: Sparkhilllovesitslibrary@outlook.com
Stirchley Library
Save Stirchley Library
Email: savestirchleylibrary@gmail.com
Instagram @savestirchleylibrary
Friends of Stirchley Library
Email: friendsofstirchleylibrary@gmail.com
Instagram @friendsofstirchleylibrary
Weoley Castle Library
Save Weoley Castle Library
Email: save.weoley.library@gmail.com
Sutton Coldfield Library
Mere Green Library
Boldmere Library
Walmley Library
FOLIO Sutton Coldfield (Friends of Libraries in Our Sutton Coldfield)
Email: liz@foliosuttoncoldfield.org.uk
Twitter: @FOLIOsutcol
Friends of the Libraries of Birmingham (FOLOB)